Although I've made a lot of progress on my journey to love my body and who I am post-eating disorders, earlier this year I realized that I still have a long way to go before being completely comfortable with myself in every regard.While I'm usually fine with looking at myself in the mirror and liking what I see, I still cringe whenever I see an unattractive picture of myself (granted, I usually think every picture of me is unattractive unless it's carefully posed and edited--something that I think is more common than not within groups of women). Up until a few months ago, I would even go as far as to untag myself from and hide pictures of myself that I didn't like from my Facebook timeline. Because of this, dating a photographer whose favorite subject to photograph is you, can kind of be problematic.

Over the past couple of months, I've tried to make a consistent
effort to question and counter any the typical negativity I experience when I
look at a picture of myself that isn't necessarily attractive. And I'll be honest,
it's been way harder than I ever could have anticipated. Not only is doing this
an attempt to overcome your thoughts, but also your emotions as well. I think as women, we're taught to focus our
efforts regarding our worth and self-esteem upon our appearance. By doing this,
we place unrealistic expectations upon ourselves to the extent that (at least
in my case) when we see a "bad" picture of ourselves, we immediately
feel ashamed and embarrassed—almost as if it's a direct blow to who we are as a
person (something which is entirely untrue).
Believe it or not, over time I’ve actually found that the “bad” and unattractive pictures of me have their own beauty to them. They show me as a living, breathing, and feeling being. They feature me in all my imperfect, but authentic glory. By embracing photos of me that I would have initially perceived as unattractive in the past, I’ve gotten to see myself with new eyes while also finding a new sense of freedom. I’m no longer afraid that my carefully crafted image of myself and self-esteem are going to crumble as soon as someone posts a picture of me that I don’t like. When I look at a picture now, I see myself first and my imperfections second--instead of the other way around. There really isn't such a thing as"unattractive" pictures, but there is such a thing as having an unattractive outlook on yourself. Pictures are just pictures. In a sense, they're neutral until we assign subjective meanings to them.
We aren't always going to look selfie-ready and that's okay. Photos are meant for capturing memories, not negativity over how we look. Looking at some of the pictures that Justin took of me is almost a bittersweet experience for this reason. In some of the photos, I was so preoccupied with how I looked that it took away from the actual moment that was being captured. Luckily, I realized all of this before Justin and I took our wedding photos. Had I not done this, I think the same thing would have happened with those photos too. However, because of my actions I'm able to look back at our photos and remember how happy I was rather than how preoccupied I was with how the photos were going to turn out or how I was going to look in the photos.
Although it still takes conscious effort to remind myself that unattractive pictures are just pictures, at least now I know that there is so much more to who I am than what a camera lens captures me as. A camera can never capture how compassionate you are; how intelligent you are; or how talented you are. It can never capture the lives you’ve touched for the better, the challenges you’ve faced, or how intrinsically important you are.
Pictures capture us in a moment of time whether we're ready or not,
And I for one want to make sure that I remember that moment as a good one regardless.
So I'm curious- are the pics you included in this blog the ones where you saw yourself as "unflattering" or did you look through pics of you to find the good ones? Because you look super beautiful, peaceful, and confident in all of these!
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DeleteProfessional photographers' customers benefit from the latest professional technology being used in the
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ReplyDeleteMany of our customers are really confused by the prices associated with photography so I have tried to shed some light on the subject here.whiten teeth in photoshop
ReplyDeleteOnce you've gotten your head around this and started shooting a few pictures, you might find that photography is quite fun and interesting. At first glance it would seem that unless you are a full-time adventure athlete, adventure photography is something that you will have little opportunity to apply yourself to?iPhone 11 Pro Camera
ReplyDeleteYour photos are awesome i must say. Greetings from домоуправител.